What time is it?
The 6 o’clock eclipse. I hoped it was already 9 o’clock one. I look out, and nothing, as
per always, like every damn day: the neighbour goes out for the eclipse shift, his nexdoor
neighbour greets him with her right hand because with the left one she is booking her
return car to work, but she will wait as always because it is always the rush hour, she still
hasn’t understood it.
♪♪♪♪♪ my favorite song echoes to wake me up. “STOP MUSIC”.
I keep thinking about the neighbour, she still hasn’t got it, she knows very well that at
the rush hour between the sun and the eclipse the city is a mess. “LONG COFFEE” she
knows very well that when the road viability changes roads are flooded like a mailbox
after the holidays! Why doesn’t she get it, though??? She’s stupid, there is no other
Shower. Teeth brushing. VR lens.
Fuck!!! It doesn’t work, again!!
I look myself in the mirror. I don’t like it. “SHIRT BUT THE OTHER ONE, THE
LONGER ONE”. However, I hate this painting, and I hate whoever bought it for me.
I go out otherwise I lose my seat. “TODAY I WANT PIZZA, THE TWO, THE THREE
Anyway, the neighbour is still there, “Hello there, are you still waiting?”. How stupid.
Hot wind. Dust.
Supertree Grove, I turn right.
Dust. Hot wind.
I hate this city, if so you can call it. And I hate the eclipse. And I hate this city with the
eclipse, and I hate its continuous mutation, it seems like it wants us to get lost, confuse
us. I hate to never know how the road will change. I hate to never remembering that the
the building that changes is not the one on 35th but the one on 36th, and I fucking get lost
every time.
What an ugly long neck he has. 7 notifications. Mute chat.
It finally arrives. I push, I get on , I push, I sit down, they push me, it’s the stupid man
with the long neck. I look out to decide if I hate what I see beyond the glass more or what
I see behind. I hear screaming. “$5&%/(ò%@”. Ah, the one with the long neck, of course.
He won then, I hate him.
I get down. I take the usual at the usual place and set off.
Tour Eiffel, straight ahead.
I enter into Facebook, I’m really pissed off. Tail. “Keep a safe distance”.
It’s my turn. The salesman with his blue polo shirt and the white F stitched on the
heart side welcomes me with a forced smile. His hands are shaking and he is constantly
staring at a distant point of the shop. “$5&%/(ò%@”.
I go out with my new VR lens.
Saline solution. I wear it. ?“I’m loading ...”
I set off again.
?️ “G is calling you”. Refuse.
I stop to stare the shop window on 53rd Street to decide whether to buy ... “SKIP THE
AD”. The cereal bee was dancing in front of me. Christ I have to get the Premium update!
?️ “Eclipse map update”.
Stop. Traffic light. Crowd, heat, silence, waiting. “SKIP THE AD”. I broke the silence.
The girl in front of me turns around. She smells like honey. I smile at her. She turns
back. ?️ "Magda T." Add to contacts”
Kurfürstendamm. We are almost there.
He stops me. He stares at me.
“You have a missing button”
Blade, blood.
I hate this city.