Map of overlapping spaces

In our technological Era, we constantly live crossing the border between the physical realm and virtual one, material space, and cyberspace. Every device is an open door to a stream of bits, a database of infinite and fragmentary images, overlapping data, coordinates, texts…
What kind of map could we see through vr-lens? When the Net replaces Space, the composition is no longer bounded by gravity, allowed to float freely. It could be recombined and relocated in different ways, showing interconnections, other dimensions, overlapping places, natural landscapes, artificial ones.
In recent decades the computation has become ubiquitous. Spaces are populated by a large series of objects with embedded computational capabilities. Each one is a gateway to cyberspace. Mark Weiser postulated the gradual process towards immanence, the pervasiveness of these invisible technologies since the early nineties. Technological devices are woven “into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it” (Weiser, 1999).
Human’s instruments of interaction and production have become miniaturized, dematerialized, unfixed from a static location. Since the “Net negates geometry” (Mitchell, 1996), interaction is despazialised, without a fixed scale, and geography does not represent a relevant issue: it does not define your social class, behavior, or cultural background. Also, time is affected by a non-linear course: Net is asynchronous, spatial and temporal scales are fractured, temporal rhythm is reduced to a white noise, and anything could happen regardless of time and space.
So “Soft-space,” seen as the dark invisible part of the actual realm, builds up a new reality, just beneath the surface: a flow of bit data and information exchanged every second.
Negroponte, N. 2004. Essere digitali. Milano: Sperling & Kupfer
Mitchell, W. J. 1996. City of Bits: Space, Place and the infobahn. Cambridge: The Mit Press
Weiser, M. 1991. “The computer for the 21st Century”. Scientific American 265 (3): (set. 1991), 94-104.
Annarita Bianco
Goldsmith and designer, founder of Merıstėma Lab. Always looking for something that merges technological research and craftsmanship, humanistic studies, and scientific theories.
On Instagram: @meristemalab